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Home Heart


Heart disease is any condition that affects your heart such as

Cardiomyopathy that affects how the heart muscles squeeze

Congenital heart defects that develop before birth

Coronary artery disease that affects the arteries. It is the most common type of heart disease.

Valvular Heart Disease that affects the function of the valves which regulates blood flow in and out of the heart

Arrhythmia that affects the electrical conduction




If there is excessive sweating more than usual without an involvement of any physical activity or hot conditions than it could be an early sign of heart problems.

Irregular Heart Beat

It's a change in heart beat frequency and occur when the electrical signals that coordinate with heart beat do not function properly.

Chest pain

It's a discomfort caused when there is less supply of oxygen-rich blood to our heart. It may feel like pressure, crushing or squeezing in your chest.

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath, or dyspnea, is an uncomfortable condition that makes it hard to completely get air into your lungs. Problems with lungs and heart can harm your breathing.


A discomfort that creates an urge to vomit. If its prolonged, it can be a sign of health disease



There are various tests used to diagnose heart disease. The doctor may start by asking

Personal and Family medical history

Current and past symptoms

Laboratory tests and an electrocardiogram

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